Gyration analysis code

For source code refer to github repository

Module documentation

Module to calculate gyaration and inertial information from coordinates.

Currently only .xyz file input is supported.

To use:

1) import the module in your python script with (script must be in same directory as this file)

import get_gyr as gyr

2) read .xyz file

molecule = gyr.GyrationMolecule("./molecules/")

3) call appropriate variable, e.g.

print("Relative shape anisotropy is: ", molecule.Rel_anis)

for detailed information see script



Class containing gyration/inertia information for given molecule


Name Type Description
Rx2 float

Radius of gyration squared in first principal direction

Ry2 float

Radius of gyration squared in second principal direction

Rz2 float

Radius of gyration squared in third principal direction

Rg float

Radius of gyration for molecule

Rel_anis float

Relative shape anisotropy, 0 for perfectly spherical arangement 1 for perfectly linear arangement

Ix float

Moment of inertia in first principal direction

Iy float

Moment of inertia in first principal direction

Iz float

Moment of inertia in first principal direction

__init__(self, fname, flag_xyz=1, flag_periodic=0) special

Calculate gyration properties from given file


Name Type Description Default
fname str

Filename of coordinates, xyz file or simple list of coordinates

flag_xyz int

1 if using xyz file, 0 if using simple list of coordinates

flag_periodic int

1 if using periodic system (not yet supported)

Source code in Gyration-from-coordinates/
def __init__(self, fname: str, flag_xyz: int=1, flag_periodic: int=0):
    """Calculate gyration properties from given file

            fname: Filename of coordinates, xyz file or simple list of coordinates
            flag_xyz: 1 if using xyz file, 0 if using simple list of coordinates
            flag_periodic: 1 if using periodic system (not yet supported)
    if flag_xyz: = fname.split('.xyz')[0]

        # Gyration parameters
        self.__coords = self.__xyz_to_coords(fname)
        self.Rx2, self.Ry2, self.Rz2, = self.__calc_evals_gyr(self.__coords)
        self.Rg = np.sqrt(self.Rx2 + self.Ry2 + self.Rz2)
        self.Rel_anis = (1.5 * (self.Rx2**2 + self.Ry2**2 + self.Rz2**2)
                         / (self.Rx2 + self.Ry2 + self.Rz2)**2 - 0.5)

        # Inertia parametrs
        self.Ix, self.Iy, self.Iz, = self.__calc_evals_inertia(self.__coords)
        print("Not yet implemented")